What is your job?

I’m a freelance journalist and communications specialist.

Where do you live?

The beautiful city of Toronto, Canada, most known for having the highest building in the world and a mayor who smokes crack. #represent.

Do you really think you’re pretty?

I would say I’m like, a 5? Jokes. Who cares. The point is more like I’m girly, and don’t want to give up white girl shit like lattes and manicures and highlights and scented candles. At least not all the time.

What’s your biggest financial tip?

Save, save, save.

Do you have any debt?

I’ve been debt free since ’83. Jokes, I wasn’t even alive in ’83 but: rhyming. But no, I am very lucky I have zero debt.

 How can I contact you?

This is 2015. There are 8 different ways you can contact me, and only 3 of them would be creepy. You can email me at danielle[at]prettylittlepoorgirl[dot]com, you can leave a comment on this blog and I’ll get back to you, or  you can Tweet me @Daniellekubes.

Can I hire you? 

If it’s for freelance writing, editing or social media management, hellz yes.


I want to improve my financial literacy without hating my life

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