I am an extremely put-together and professional young lady who buys my morning americano in snowflake-print pyjamas.
I write a personal finance blog, PrettyLittlePoorGirl, where I discuss the cheapest method of birth control and why I will never give up lattes.
Because I’m legit, I’ve also written for publications like The Globe and Mail, Jerusalem Post, National Post MoneySense and The Kit, mostly on personal finance and business.
I graduated with Master of Journalism from Ryerson University. I also hold a Certificate in Advanced Social Media and a Certificate in Business Blogging and Content Marketing.
Please note that I am not as hideous as my National Post bio picture would suggest:
If you want to know more, drop me a line at danielle [at] prettylittlepoorgirl [dot] com or Tweet me @Daniellekubes.